IC4WB Donations

Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional clarifications. Your support is greatly appreciated

The International Conference for Women Birders is a non-profit event dedicated to creating public benefit. All activities associated with the event are conducted without any profit motive.

Your donations will be utilized to support the participants in several meaningful ways:

  • Sponsoring underprivileged youth, especially young women from
  • developing countries, who are unable to afford the costs of attending the conference.
  • Empowering skills development for 100 young women residing in proximity to protected areas.
  • Providing necessary equipment for birding activities, including binoculars, field guidebooks, cameras, telescopes, directional microphones, and laser pointers.

Donations can be made in the form of cash or the mentioned equipment, among other items.

Our accounts department will ensure full transparency and accountability regarding the use of funds.


Uganda: +256 777 912 938

USA: +1 (503) 702 4869

Australia: +44 7872 270874

UK: +44 7377 937652


© 2024 International Conference for Women Birders