IC4WB - 2023

Feedback Form

IC4WB - 2002

Feedback Form

Dear Participant,

Thank you for attending the International

Conference for Women Birders. Your feedback is valuable to us as we strive to

enhance future conferences. Kindly take a few minutes to share your thoughts on

the event. Your responses will remain confidential.

Please rate your overall satisfaction with the conference on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 indicates low satisfaction and 10 indicates high satisfaction
Please provide your rating for the extent to which the conference addressed relevant and diverse topics
• Evaluate the quality and expertise of the speakers.
• Relevance and Depth of Content:
• Evaluate the speakers based on the relevance depth of the content they presented.
• Engagement and Interaction:
• Credibility and Experience
Rate the venue, facilities, and overall logistics of the conference
Thank you for your participation and feedback. We appreciate your insights and look forward to hosting you again in the future. Best regards


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Australia: +44 7872 270874

UK: +44 7377 937652


© 2024 International Conference for Women Birders